Thursday, May 31

Agathe' s talk this morning

This morning Agathe Jean Baptiste spoke about the Cuban and Haitian Health Systems including her training under the Cuban system and her introduction back in Haiti's health system. It was a fascinating talk and we all appreciate Agathe's insight, charisma, and experiences. If you missed the lecure, here's a picture of Agathe in action, and you are invited to post any questions for Agathe or the broader IHP community about this topic!

To view presentation, please click.


Agathe said...

Thanks Chris for your kind words and to everyone who made it to my talk this early and... especially to my classmates

julia said...

Thank YOU, Agathe, for such an interesting and engaging discussion. I think your presentation really opened up the audience for some important analysis (and self-reflection!).

Chris B. said...

Its just so amazing that we have a resource like Agathe here with us! You have such amazing experiences to share and I cannot wait to see you in action in Haiti someday or work with you there! For now I will just live vicariously through you! Que viva la solidaridad!

Amineh Ayyad said...

Agathe, I have audio for your presentation. It was excellent. I couldn't upload it to the blog. I will try again soon.